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Zonta Club of Rochester raises funds that are invested in our community to improve the lives of women and girls. Everyone loved the fabulous donations last year!

The funds we raise are invested in our community to improve the lives of women and girls. Past beneficiaries of  Zonta Club of Rochester fundraisers have been:
• Angels of Mercy Hearts in Motion program
• Embrace Y our Sisters
• Resolve of Rochester’s Survivor Transition Program
• St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center’s Women on the Move Program
• Susan B. Anthony House’s Inspiration Express: Women’s Initiative Program
• Volunteers of America Working Wardrobe Program.

Donations to the Zonta Rochester Foundation are tax deductible, and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to agencies funded by Zonta. As a contributor, you will be acknowledged on our Facebook page as part of our pre-event advertising.

Thank you to all who support our Zonta Club and what we stand for!