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Advocacy and Service
Along with other Zonta Clubs, we engage in Advocacy to prevent violence against women and girls. While individual clubs choose their Service focus, we as a group collaborate to choose our service projects for the year.

Zonta International
Zonta’s global and local service and advocacy efforts are designed to prevent violence against women, increase access to education and healthcare, and expand economic self-sufficiency.

Getting Involved
Zonta Rochester wishes to communicate more closely- and when appropriate – partner with community service agencies in Rochester, NY. We are working to enhance the status of women in key facets of their lives.

We are most grateful for all private and corporate donations to assist with our community service projects. Donations are fully tax deductible and can easily be made. Contact us for more information.

Emblem & Code

Membership in Zonta International carries honor and distinction and brings rich experience into the life of every member. The meanings of the five Sioux Indian Symbols that form Zonta’s impressive symbol are as follows:

  • Indian symbol for ray of light or sunshine or a flash of radiance.
  • Indian symbol for the phrase, “To stand with” or “To band together for a purpose.”
  • Indian symbol for “to carry together.”
  • Indian symbol representing shelter. Conveys the idea that Zonta is an indoor rather than an outdoor organization.

General symbol signifying “on the square” – the qualities of honesty and trustworthiness.

So we have in Zonta an organization of executives in business and professions banded together for service and fellowship, carrying on a program of high ideals with honest and trustworthy motives.

Since 1919, these symbols have been carried deep in the hearts of Zontians, ever reminding us of our objectives. When we become members of ZONTA INTERNATIONAL, we subscribe to the Zonta Code.

  1. To pledge myself to uphold the ideals of Zonta.
  2. To honor my work and consider it an opportunity for service.
  3. To increase the measure of that service by consistent self-improvement.
  4. To contribute by study and action to the improvement of the legal, political, economic, and professional status of women.
  5. To work for the advancement of understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions united in the Zonta ideal of service.
  6. To keep ever before me the best of all creeds: Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do even so unto them.


International Zonta Newsletter

 Delaying Early Marriage in Niger (YouTube video)

14 July 2016

Voices against Violence curriculum implemented in 35 countries

Zonta International committed US$986,000 to UN Women in the 2014-2016 Biennium to prevent and reduce gender discrimination and violence against women and girls through non-formal education and youth engagement and leadership. With Zonta’s support, UN Women and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) developed Voices against Violence, a unique international non-formal education program on ending violence against girls and women.

Trainers who attended the four training workshops held between December 2014 and January 2016 have produced their own national training plans. As a result, there are action plans in 35 countries.

Take a look at the training plans that came out of each workshop: