


The Zonta Club of Rochester’s primary advocacy effort is to eliminate domestic violence.  In addition to supporting agencies whose focus is domestic violence, we are a member of the Domestic Violence Consortium. Some other advocacy projects are KIVA and Take it on for Mom, and our District 4 project.

February is always an exciting meeting! This is when the Rochester Zonta Club give’s out our Grants to our local community in need and  as well as deserving! Many apply every year, it is so hard to choose when so many are in need.  We work hard all year with our Fundraisers to provide for these grants! We also provide service programs and projects through out the year to programs that are NOT grant recipients.

February of 2015 we provided grants to; Catholic Family Center’s program: Healthy Sisters Soup and Bean Work’s  Grant: $1,300., Center for Youth program: Crisis Nursery of Greater Rochester Grant: $1,550., Coffee Connection: Project Empower Grant: $1,200., Resolve/Restore/Stand Up Guys: Safe Journey transition program: Grant $1,900. St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center Women on the Move Program Grant: $1050. February 2016 is approaching fast, can’t wait to see where the Grants will go this year!

Zonta Internationl: Ameila Earhart Fellowship $250.00, International Service $1000, Jane Klausman Scholarships $250, Rose Fund $ 250, Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship $250, Zonta International to End Violence Against Women $1,000. Please see for the purpose of these grants.

As you can see Zonta’s mission is all about giving and serving to help make our community as well as our world a much safer, freer, equal place for all!

If you would like more information on the Zonta Club of Rochester, please leave a message on our website or contact our Advocacy Chair: Patricia Deane.

If you would like to donate to help our mission in helping those in Rochester NY, please email Alyce VanPatten. Thank you!